Tackling racial tensions in the affluent seaside Hamptons, ‘Killer Bees’ follows a school basketball team’s quest for both success and survival.

NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal has been nearly as powerful — or at least as prolific — in the movie world as he is in the basketball one. Making a film about a Bridgehampton School basketball team doesn’t seem at all a career stretch for the man who himself graced the screen in Blue Chips and Kazaam, though his creative partner is a little more surprising. It’s art world power dealer Larry Gagosian, who has teamed up with Shaq to tell the story of an African American community struggling and surviving in the heart of the very white seaside vacation hotspot, artnet reports. The two were brought to the project separately by a mutual friend, art collector (and the film’s executive producer) Glenn Fuhrman. Titled Killer Bees, the documentary explores tensions in the affluent town by spotlighting a group of people typically excluded from their own neighborhood’s narrative.